Technology and Business

Communication Got You Down At Work? Try Some Empathy.

Being stressed out at work is not fun. Sometimes that stress can be caused by communicating, or miscommunicating, with coworkers. You might like to be more direct, but your coworker takes your directness as lack of support or consideration for their feelings. Constant miscommunication like this can lead to power...


SEO: A Recipe For Success

Your business will benefit when you help search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo better understand your website. This is often referred to as search engine optimization, or SEO for short. And while many companies hire SEO professionals to improve their sites, there are plenty of changes you can make...


Rule #1: Don’t Be Boring

Ever been to a Power Point event? They have different names - Lightning Talks, Ignite, 24x7, Pecha Kucha - but the idea is the same. Speakers give Power Point presentations, with a hard stop at five to seven minutes, using a limited number of slides. The format forces speakers to...


Meet the Technology Association of Iowa!

The Technology Association of Iowa (TAI) is the premier professional organization driving the success of the state's technology industry and tech-based economy. Members include organizations of every size in virtually every aspect of technology creation, production, application and education in Iowa. But the majority of TAI is made up...


Technology, entrepreneurship, and friends – can this get any better?

“I had no idea that this whole startup community exists, it’s amazing how supportive everyone has been with my business idea and the number of opportunities out there to help me,” was a quote I recently captured from Mike Clancy, a teacher at Muscatine High School who was attending a...


Organize Your Business With Free Resources

I’ve always been a list person. When I find something really cool on the web, I bookmark and save it for later. When my bookmarks start to accumulate, I create a separate document and list my favorite sites with a short description and a link. Like most processes, building out...


Small Technology Firms and Innovators, America’s Largest Seed Fund is Coming to a City Near You

The SBIR Road Tour is a national outreach effort to convey the non-dilutive technology funding opportunity provided through the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) and Small Business Technology Transfer (STTR) programs. Over the course of this year, individual program managers from the 11 participating agencies representing $2.5 billion in early stage...


Venture Capital Musings…

So you are interested in seeking investment from a venture capital fund?  If you haven’t been down this path before, there are a few things you might want to be aware of before seeking investment from this funding source. Fundamentally VC’s are about investing other people’s money.  Before they begin to...


Choosing The Best Presentation Software

So you’ve got a big presentation next week and you know you’re going to use a visual aid. Do you break out your trusty PowerPoint template and start typing away, or should you try something new? Worldwide, there are more than 500 million PowerPoint users, creating over 30 million presentations everyday....