Funding and Finances

State Upgrades Filing System for Businesses

Fast Track Filings, a new, fully digital filing system released by Secretary Paul Pate, is now accepting online filings of new business formation documents for Iowa's businesses. An estimated 30 percent of new filings are rejected each year due to errors in application, Pate said, errors that the online application is...


Advantages and Possible Pitfalls of 3 Common Iowa Business Structures

By Cally Reed, UNI Center for Business Growth and Innovation Choosing a business structure can be a confusing process for a first time entrepreneur. As I am a part of the Business Concierge team, and I love to help bring clarity to situations, it’s my pleasure to help answer Iowa business...


Iowa Tax Incentives for Business

By Amy Kuhlers, Iowa Economic Development Authority The state of Iowa offers tax incentives and other programs businesses can use to assist with employee training.  These programs, administered by the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA), are geared to help companies get the skilled workforce they need to expand and help provide...


Get Your Iowa Business Tax Questions Answered

By Cally Reed, Center for Business Growth and Innovation “...but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death and taxes.” - Benjamin Franklin Paying taxes is no one’s reason for going into business; but as Benjamin Franklin says, it is a part of life. We at IASourcelink make it...


4 Tax Incentive Opportunities for Iowa Businesses

By Lea Hensel, Business and Community Services As a business owner, you have a lot of taxable obligations and even smaller ones can add up pretty quickly so hopefully, you are taking advantage of all of the business tax incentives you can to help reduce those obligations. Many state and federal...


From the Desk of Director Durham: Workforce Housing Tax Credit Program

Hello, I’m Debi Durham, Director of the Iowa Economic Development Authority.  As I travel the state, one thing I commonly hear in every community is the need for affordable housing to accommodate the workers our companies are employing.  That’s why three years ago the Iowa Legislature established the Workforce Housing...


From the Desk of Director Durham – Iowa’s Historic Tax Credit Program

Hello, I’m Debi Durham, Director of the Iowa Economic Development Authority.  We can’t turn back the hands of time.  Age affects everyone and everything differently.  As humans, some of us try to offset tell-tale signs of ‘experienced maturity’ with everything from serums to surgery.  With buildings, on the other hand,...


SBA to Host Lender Matchmaking Fair for Entrepreneurs

Entrepreneurs seeking financing to start their own small business or grow an existing small business will have the opportunity to meet representatives from SBA participating lenders during this event, which will follow a “speed coaching” format. Attendees will be scheduled for three 15-minute, one-on-one meetings where they can pitch their...


Ottumwa Economic Development

The economic development groups in our communities are crucial for not only bringing in new businesses but also developing programs to promote relocation, expansion, and retention to the area. The Ottumwa Area Development Corporation, also known as the Ottumwa Economic Development Corporation (OEDC), is no different. Since 1962, they have been...


Business Leadership Network Community Grant

In 2015, the UI College of Public Health through the Iowa Institute of Public Health Research and Policy inaugurated the Business Leadership Network (BLN) Community Grant Project to support projects, programs, and activities that build collaborations and support community well-being. The purpose of the BLN Community Grant is to foster collaboration...