Funding Available for Iowa Communities to Remove Nuisance Property

Last summer Governor Branstad signed legislation into law creating the Nuisance/Abandoned Property Remediation Fund, which is managed through the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA).  This fund allocates $6 million in the form of low interest, short-term loans available to municipalities of any size across the state.  One third of these...


O’Brien County Wins through Wind

In 2003, O’Brien County supervisors passed a wind energy conversion property tax ordinance. The county will soon begin reaping the economic benefits of that decision with the recent MidAmerican commissioning of the 70,000 acre Energy Highland Wind Farm. The Highland Wind Farm property tax revenues will have a significant impact on...


Iowa Redevelopment Tax Credit Program

"Did you know that state and federal tax incentives exist that can make the purchase and redevelopment of undervalued or environmentally challenged sites a good economic opportunity for a business? One of my primary duties at the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) is the administration of the Redevelopment Tax...


Tax Tips: Property Tax Credits and Exemptions

Property tax exemptions reduce the property valuation before taxes are calculated. Tax credits reduce the amount of taxes due. Business-related property tax credits and exemptions cover many topics, including agriculture, historic preservation, economic development, solar energy, wind energy, research facilities, distribution and warehouse centers, and the business property tax credit. To...


Sales Tax Tips – Iowa, Nebraska, & South Dakota

Businesses that operate in multiple states may find it difficult to be fully aware of the rules regarding proper collection of sales/use tax in each of those states. While some similarities exist between states, there are also a number of situations where states will have a differing treatment of certain...


ECICOG’s Loan Funds: Funding to Help Businesses Grow

If you are aware of a business that needs help getting off the ground or needs assistance in acquiring a loan to expand, the East Central Iowa Council of Governments (ECICOG) may be able to help. ECICOG not only manages its own revolving loan fund but also administers...


Iowa Tax Law Legislative Update 2015

Iowa Tax Law Legislative Update - Tips from the Iowa Department of Revenue Each year, the Iowa legislature meets to make revisions to the Iowa Code.  Several of those revisions impact Iowa tax law. During the 2015 legislative session, changes were made that affect a variety of Iowa taxes, including: Income...


Crowdfunding? Is That Still a Thing?

Meet Bryan Azorsky, a maker of physical and digital products. In addition to being co-founder of Bagettes, a website developer for small businesses, an organizer at 1 Million Cups and an author at Nodebud, Bryan co-founded with Ben Grasser. At TinManPrints, you can make your photos into metal prints and hang them on the...


Main Street Iowa Open 4 Business Regional Winners Announced

The Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA) awarded $40,000 to five Main Street programs around the state. The grants will benefit business development and expansion projects in the Main Street districts of Czech Village – Cedar Rapids, Elkader, Marion, Mount Vernon and Woodbine. The grants are administered through IEDA’s Iowa Downtown Resource...