Technology and Business

Google Tools for Business, Blog Series – Part 1

Over the course of the next few months, I'm going to provide a review of the top five free Google tools you should be using if you have a website. Here is my challenge to you: make a commitment to set aside time to read these blog posts and setup...


Augmented Reality in Advertising…and so much more!

Funny when see print advertising with a Facebook logo, but no URL after it- like you are supposed to finger-click on the poster to pull up the Facebook page? I only half joke about this as there is a growing movement of augmented reality permeating traditional print advertising....


Google Places – Claim your spot

If you don’t have a Google Place yet, today is your lucky day.  I’m here as a self-described non-techie to get you through it.  The best part is it’s free, and you can probably quick paying dex and yellow pages to put it up for you. Watch this little video to learn...


When was the last time you received an unsolicited refund?

With technology so ubiquitous now in our everyday life, it is sometimes hard to be surprised by what it can do. My latest experience with Amazon's Video on Demand service pleasantly surprised me with what is possible in terms of better customer service. Typically, determining customer satisfaction with a technology service...


Funny & Creative ways to Utilize Twitter for Your Business

So I’ve been following a couple of creative people on Twitter who are using it first for entertainment, second for business. With that said, I think they are on to something. Instead of pushing out boring content that consumers, by-and-large expect and ignore from businesses (i.e. special discounts, coupons, or...