Legal Issues and Taxes

Business Entity Report Filing in Iowa – Fast Track System

The filing process for Iowa businesses is better than ever thanks to the Fast Track Filing system launched by the Secretary of State’s Office. Secretary Pate announced today that biennial report filing is now available using the system. Businesses that are registered with the state are required to file reports...


Tools to Help You Get Your “Ducks in a Row” – Iowa Small Business

Complying with regulations is often considered one of the necessary evils of small business ownership, and recognizing which regulations apply to your business can be a hurdle to jump.  Even the U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) agrees that some regulations should be modified or repealed and is now seeking input...


Are Your Employee Classifications and Pay Policies Up to Date?

With a new year comes the opportunity to re-evaluate and re-educate yourself on human resource compliance changes. Lapses in compliance efforts are often not discovered until there’s a problem or a lawsuit is filed. Proactively managing your policies and procedures can help you avoid these scenarios. The Fair Labor Standards Act...


Sales Tax Issues Related to Construction – Iowa & South Dakota

A frequent question to the Department is how to handle sales tax related to construction activities. Construction businesses that operate in multiple states may find it even more difficult to be fully aware of the rules regarding proper payment/collection of sales/use tax in each of those states. While some similarities...


Military Loyalty Rewards Program

Military Cost Cutters was conceptualized in the streets of Iraq and implemented back here in the states 8 months ago. As a military veteran and entrepreneur I knew that there was a problem and it needed to be fixed. As with most entrepreneurs traction and validation are key measures to...


Economic Independence Day

"As we celebrate our nation's independence, it's important to remember another important freedom: Economic empowerment. The ability to pay your bills, take care of your children, and determine your own destiny are crucial to a successful, balanced society. “True individual freedom cannot exist without economic security and independence. People who are...


Small Businesses Must Export East to Maintain U.S. Leadership

Cosigned by former SBA Administrators Karen G. Mills , Steve Preston, Hector Barreto, and Aida Alvarez By 2030, more than 2 billion Asian consumers are expected to join the global middle class. In 15 years, the Asian market is projected to be six times larger than the U.S. market. Increasingly, we see...


10 Myths of Government Contracting: Part 1

Government Contracting, or stated more simply “selling to the government” at any level; Federal, State and Local, is enough to make many business owners cringe at the thought.  “Too much red tape, good ole boy’s club” are some common thoughts, but all in all it is many times thought of...


Keep Up Your Guard Against Credit Card Fraud

You may not notice it, but credit card fraud could be taking a toll on your small business. Infrequent as incidents may be, they can quickly add up—as much as $155,000 a year for businesses with fewer than 100 employees, according to the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners (ACFE). Not...