Iowa Downtown Conference Coming to Mason City

Iowa Downtown Conference Coming to Mason City

The Iowa Downtown Conference provides opportunities for attendees to make new connections, hear about the latest trends, acquire practical information and ideas, and learn strategies that are relevant to rural, mid-sized and urban communities and urban districts. Those who attend will enjoy a unique meeting experience and take away the essential tools that are helpful in local efforts to address downtown development issues, historic commercial district vibrancy and competitiveness.

This valuable educational and inspiring conference will include two full days of timely and relevant classroom sessions that offer practical ideas and solutions presented by industry experts. In addition, there will be a bonus day with a series of “basic training” sessions providing a comprehensive introductory to downtown development presented by Iowa Downtown Resource Center staff.

Attendees will be able to select from nine tours, including opportunities to explore a community that is famous for architectural masterpieces and Hollywood history, and field sessions using Mason City as a living laboratory to demonstrate the successful use of the Main Street Approach in the downtown district. Tickets for these authentic experiences will be available on a first come, first served basis.

The Iowa Downtown Conference is hosted by the Iowa Economic Development Authority’s Iowa Downtown Resource Center, in partnership with Main Street Mason City and Visit Mason City.

Registration Information:

The registration rate includes all sessions, refreshments at the breaks and networking events. Attendees will also have the opportunity to select tours, field sessions and luncheons for additional fee(s).

Early General Attendee Rate: $135 (through July 12 at 5 p.m.)

Early Partner Rate: $60 (through July 12 at 5 p.m.):
Main Street designated communities, Certified Local Government Commission members, Preservation Iowa Board members and host community

After July 12 at 5 p.m. CST, both general attendee and partner rates will increase to $175. Online registration ends July 26 at 5 p.m. Late registrations are welcome but will need to register at the door.

Special rates for sponsors, exhibitors, speakers and IEDA staff are available and will be adjusted accordingly.

For more information, visit

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