The Spirit of EntreFest! – Part Two
In the spirit of EntreFest! part one, I mentioned how one entrepreneur (Troy Shoen with Riverhead Resources) capitalized on ensuring visitors came to his booth at this year’s EntreFest! conference prior to the event by sending out an e-mail introducing himself and his company.
Similarly, after the conference I received e-mails from entrepreneurs who I interacted with at the conference. Brandon Halverson send me the following:
I know I talked to a lot of you at the ADP booth at the event a few weeks ago, however there were a handful that I did not get the opportunity to meet. I wanted to make sure that everyone had the information that I provided during those 2 days and remind you about the promotional offer to all EntreFest participants. (see attachment) Regardless if you have 1 employee, 5, 10 or 50, there is an ADp option for you. Please take a look at the information on all 3 of our bundles and let me know if you would like to discuss in further detail. Just to remind you:
All new ADP clients will receive
- – 15% lifetime discount on services
- FREE month of processing service
- FREE set-up of account
For a look at the ADP Online Payroll Platform, go to:
I really look forward to talking to a lot of you soon. Take care.
Brandon Halverson
ADP, Small Business Services
4900 University Ave
West Des Moines, IA 50266
Office 515-875-6807
Fax 515-875-6818
[email protected]
Another entrepreneur, Alan Jessen, is hosting an event here in the Cedar Valley because he saw lots of interest in his Infinite Banking Concept at EntreFest! He posted the following message on my profile just today:
It’s great to see entrepreneurs leveraging the opportunity they had to make new contacts at EntreFest! and turning those contacts into business opportunities. Have you capitalized on this year’s EntreFest! conference? Were you able to forge new connections and business opportunities in the weeks since?
Rob Williams is a Business Analyst for the University of Northern Iowa