Marketing and Sales

Are Sales Still Sluggish?

For the past three years, the University of Northern Iowa has conducted a statewide small business survey.  Through an online survey tool, we ask you to tell us about your business experience in terms of sales and capital, employees and growth. In return, we provide a forum for small business...


Getting the most out of your Social Media efforts

Everyone knows how much of an effect social media can have on how your customers view your brand, company, employees, etc. We all know how important it is to have a Facebook and LinkedIn page, a Twitter account, a blog, etc. and keep it updated. But, what’s the best way...


What do Xerox, Michelin, Ducati, and Marriott Have in Common?

A commercial. Yes that's right, Xerox has begun an aggressive television marketing campaign, but they've taken an unconventional approach. Take a moment to watch these ads before reading on: Let's deconstruct this marketing strategy. By partnering with other large corporations to produce television ads, Xerox is effectively able to achieve at least these three objectives: Cost...


Using Social Media Contests Internally to Build Brand Awareness

I rarely care much about promoted tweets, but the latest I received via one of our accounts from @DaveKerpen moved me to write this short blog. Dave is CEO of In an effort to grow Likeable, he devised the following experiment with his staff: Focusing on the...


Augmented Reality in Advertising…and so much more!

Funny when see print advertising with a Facebook logo, but no URL after it- like you are supposed to finger-click on the poster to pull up the Facebook page? I only half joke about this as there is a growing movement of augmented reality permeating traditional print advertising....