Downtown Forums Help Revitalize Iowa Communities

Downtown Forums Help Revitalize Iowa Communities

The Iowa Economic Development Authority’s (IEDA) Downtown Resource Center assists communities around the state in revitalizing their downtowns and commercial districts.

The Iowa Downtown Resource Center will offer several downtown forums in June to bring together community leaders interested in engaging in a discussion about their downtowns.  Attendees will have the opportunity to network with other downtown leaders and are encouraged to bring and share examples of successes in their downtown (photos of projects, marketing pieces, or other visual examples).

The focus will be on downtown business development issues such as energizing entrepreneurs, business development and business succession. Come prepared to discuss specific questions relating to downtown business development issues available for download.

Iowans are invited to attend any of the following sessions:

June 13 – Maquoketa Art Experience/Chamber of Commerce Building, 124 S. Main St., Maquoketa
June 14 – Champlin Hall, 115 2nd Ave. W., (downstairs of historic theatre & opera house), Cresco
June 20 – Exit Realty, 222 W. Salem Ave., Indianola
June 21 – Community Building, 120 E. Washington St., Lake City


Downtown Forums are FREE to attend, select the location and date of the forum you plan to attend.

Schedule for Downtown Forums Filling that Vacancy:
9:00 a.m.    Introductions
9:15 a.m.    Community Share:  What’s going on in your downtown?*
10:00 a.m.  Session:  Energizing Entrepreneurs Through Downtown Community Development
10:45 a.m.  Tour of host community’s downtown
12:00 p.m.  Lunch on your own (encourage you to go in groups)
1:15 p.m.    Downtown Resources & Incentives
2:15 p.m.    Discussion Group:  Business Development in Your Downtown
3:15 p.m.    Session:  Downtown Business Succession
4:00 p.m.    Questions and Comments – Adjourn

*Share success stories, events, brochures, before and after photos, new business success, challenges, etc.


Jim Engle, Director – Iowa Downtown Resource Center
PH: 515.725.3058  |  Mobile: 515.360.1674
[email protected]

The Iowa Downtown Forums are sponsored by the Iowa Economic Development Authority’s Iowa Downtown Resource Center that also facilitates the Main Street Iowa Program.

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