What if Your Product is YOU?
By: U.S.SourceLink | Feb 14, 2014
Checking out the regular features in Inc.’s blog posts and on Entrepreneur.com, needless to say one can find what one wants on just about any subject having to do with starting something new, a new venture or idea. So what if your new idea involves putting yourself out there as an expert, a consultant to others, to share all that wisdom and experience you’ve accumulated?
In his blogpost of August 2012, Scott Steinberg lists five tips to build your business. Like so many other business ventures, key is developing your niche, your key area of expertise that you can provide like none other. Secondly, relationships are a must. Knowing people, expanding your network, and being sincere, genuine, helpful, and knowledgeable goes a long way.
Steinberg also stresses selling results (what will they gain as a result of your service?), being flexible, and always be “closing” or making the ask of prospective clients.
Jennifer Merritt in Entrepreneur’s post of 2011 makes additional points: make a reputation for yourself, while in an employed position, before striking out on your own. She also suggests partnering with an established company or firm, to enhance your name recognition and client base, as well as reputation. And lastly, as in Steinberg’s post, she emphasizes differentiating yourself among others who are in the field.
Not only are you selling your knowledge, you’re selling your trustworthiness, yourself as a person; and you must be entrepreneurial to seek out the contacts, build your business, and close sales. It’s a hefty challenge to take on, but like most entrepreneurial ventures, can result in great rewards (financial or otherwise) to the passionate risk-taker!