What is the road you travel? What are you journeying toward?

What is the road you travel? What are you journeying toward?

Every woman has a story to share of the pathways she’s trod, of the expected and unexpected encountered upon the way.  She can speak about the map and how it told her only so much about the journey that was to unfold.   She can keep you breathless with her stories, how she conquered peaks, meandered down trails, and may have found herself in unanticipated valleys, and the lessons learned from it all.

Part of this tale of, are a cast of characters, fellow travelers encountered upon the way.  Some were more important than others, perhaps providing direction, lightening the load and helping her keep true to her own north star.

On April 23 to 24 more than 900 women attended the Iowa Women’s Leadership Conference (IWLC) in Coralville, Iowa to gain access to new knowledge and skills, to network with other women, and to become inspired in all aspects of their lives.    The mission of the IWLC?  To advance women’s leadership.

The IWLC needs to hear about your journey!  The IWLC Pathways to Women Leadership Survey is undertaking a longitudinal, multi-year study of Iowa women who are leaders or aspire to be leaders.  Pathways to Leadership is designed to capture the many ways in which women achieve success in leadership positions, including what is working for them and what isn’t.   The outcome of the study will be an annual report informing Iowans about the current status of women and leadership in the state.

By May 31, please go to WLC Pathways to Women Leadership Survey and complete the survey, it will take about ten minutes of your time.  Share the story of your journey and support pathways to leadership for all Iowa women.

Sherry Timmins is a Team Leader for Business Development at the Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA).

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