Meet the Second Stage Company and What They Need

Meet the Second Stage Company and What They Need

Meet the Second Stage Company

Cheetahs, gazelles, economic powerhouses—there’s no lack of metaphors for second-stage entrepreneurs and the companies they’ve guided beyond the startup phase and into million-dollar revenues.

Their impact on local economies is undeniable. According to the Edward Lowe Foundation (see most of the new jobs are currently being created in these firms.


What Is a Second Stage Company?

Focused on growing and expanding their businesses, second-stage firms generally have between 10 to 99 employees and/or $750,000 to $50 million in revenue.

For these second-stagers, business plans have morphed into strategic marketing plans. Finding a location is replaced by funding an expansion. Defining a market niche transforms into market diversification.  And finding a team to launch the business becomes a quest to realize new operational efficiencies and the search to find, or train, the people who can take the business to the next level.

(Read more about the four types of entrepreneurship from Maria Meyers, founder of U.S.SourceLink and director of the Innovation Center at the University of Missouri-Kansas City.)


Resources for Second-Stagers

With more than 4,000 Resource Partners in the U.S.SourceLink network, navigating the wide expanse of business-building resources can be daunting. Each community has a  Resource Navigator to help these growing businesses find just the right resource for their size, stage and challenge.

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Content contributed by Sarah Mote, MOSourceLink. MOSourceLink is a proud affiliate of U.S.SourceLink, America’s largest resource network for entrepreneurs.

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