The Resource Navigator


InnoVenture Iowa is a $30 million co-investment fund designed to support early-stage startup companies in biosciences, advanced manufacturing, and information technology.


We are an Iowa-based fund seeking to make investments in Iowa startups. InnoVenture Iowa is the state’s first publicly funded venture capital fund, designed to address a measurable (and tractable) gap in VC funding for early-stage companies in the areas where our state has a natural competitive advantage.

We are a co-investment fund, which means that InnoVenture Iowa will not lead fundraising rounds, but should instead follow-on with a cohort of co-investment partners, including other VC Funds (in- or out-of-state), private entities or indivdiual (angel) investors.

  • Average Check Size: $250,000
  • Industry Focus: Biosciences, Advanced Manufacturing or Information Technology
  • Iowa-Based Companies (Headquartered or “Significant Operations”)
  • Co-Investment Partners: Private VC Funds, Businesses or Angel Investors

Services Provided

Financial Resources and Assistance

  • Assistance in Finding Equity Funding


  • Financial Resources for Non-Retail Business
Contact Information
Kaylee Williams