The Resource Navigator

Iowa Association of Councils of Governments

The Iowa Association of Councils of Governments serves the 17 Councils of Governments to join across interest areas and to work on issues common to all.


The Iowa Association of Councils of Governments is the trade association for the 17 Councils of Governments (COGs) in Iowa. Since 1988, ICOG has brought leaders and communities together to promote economic growth, improve public sector services, and solve regional issues for the future of Iowa. COGs provide regional planning and technical assistance to local governments and the communities in their regions by:
  • Providing individualized assistance to cities, counties, businesses, community organizations and community members (such as a local comprehensive plan, loans to local businesses, grant-writing assistance, and housing and workforce programs)
  • Providing planning services across multiple jurisdictions (such as a regional comprehensive solid waste management plan or long-range transportation plan); and
  • Providing a forum that combines the elements of transportation planning, housing development, solid waste planning, and use planning, workforce development, and economic development into a comprehensive approach to regional growth and development.
Contact Information
400 E Court Ave
Ste 126
Des Moines, IA 50309
(515) 750-2310 Ext: 2
(509) 351-6696