Main Street Washington

Washington is a participating Main Street Iowa community. Iowa's Main Street communities have made a commitment to the long-term revitalization of their historic commercial districts.


Our Main Street approach is a combined process that builds the idea of a downtown's total image. The strategy is incremental, resulting in many small changes that create strong impact over time. Four volunteer driven Committees contribute to this process. Business Improvement - These volunteers work to diversify the downtown economy by identifying potential market niches, finding new uses for vacant or underused spaces and improving business practices. Design - The visual quality of our downtown is enhanced by utilizing appropriate historical design concepts. Volunteers work to incorporate appropriate design concepts in building remodeling or renovation, signage, window displays, landscaping and the environment. Organization - This committee works to bring all stakeholders together to work more effectively to achieve a vital downtown district. Our stakeholders include merchants, lenders, governments, professionals, Chamber of Commerce, WEDG, and many volunteers. Promotion - Through continued volunteer efforts our community can begin to focus on our downtown district as a source of community pride, social activity and economic development through effective, enthusiastic promotion. The mission of the Main Street Iowa Program is to improve the social and economic well-being of Iowa’s communities by assisting selected communities to capitalize on the unique identity, assets and character of their historic commercial district.  Main Street is economic development within the context of historic preservation.

Services Provided

Business Planning

  • Census Data
  • Market Research

Financial Resources and Assistance

  • Assistance in Finding Government Funding

Networking Organizations

  • Geographically Based
  • Small Business/General

Office, Laboratory and Meeting Space

  • Retail Space

Economic and Site Development

  • Main Street Program Services
  • Revitalization
  • Site Location Assistance
Contact Information
Samantha Meyer
215 S Iowa Ave
PO Box 848
Washington, IA 52353
(319) 653-5805