Housing Information and Best Practice Ideas
Links to Housing Programs, Resources and Ideas
United States Department of Agriculture (USDA):
United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD):
Iowa Finance Authority (IFA):
Iowa Economic Development Authority (IEDA):
Federal Home Loan Bank:
Interesting Reports and Information:
- Rental Housing for a 21st Century Rural America
- The National Council of State Housing Agencies (NCSHA) has shared case studies of housing developments that incorporate Opportunity Zone investment to create new affordable homes.
- Housing for Iowa (HFI) is a state program created to provide affordable workforce housing in rural areas and to provide skills and rehabilitate prisoners.
Local Agencies:
- Councils of Governments: https://www.iowacog.com/find-your-cog
- Housing Trust Funds: https://www.iowafinance.com/state-housing-trust-fund/local-housing-trust-fund/
- Community Action Agencies: http://iowacommunityaction.org/
- Iowa’s Housing Authorities: http://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/states/iowa/renting/hawebsites
Ideas Across Iowa:
- Fayette, Iowa (Pop: 1,112): https://fayetteiowa.com/government/incentives.html
- Forest City, Iowa (Pop: 4,083): https://www.cityofforestcity.com/housingincentives
- Fredericksburg, Iowa (Pop: 1,240): https://www.fredericksburgiowa.com/housing_incentives.html
- Newton, Iowa (Pop: 15,085): https://newtongov.org/806/Housing-Initiative
- Perry, Iowa (Pop: 7,599): https://www.perryia.org/tax-abatement.html
- Tripoli, Iowa (Pop: 1,269): http://www.tripoliiowa.com/f/HousingIncentives.pdf
- Webster City, Iowa (Pop: 7,830): https://webstercity.com/our-community/housing/housing-programs/
- Wright County, Iowa (Pop: 12,864): https://www.wrightcounty.org/departments/economic_development/housing.php
Developers working in adaptive reuse in rural communities:
- Community Housing Initiatives
- Arch Icon
- Hobart Historic Restoration
- Doing it on your own? Preservation Iowa maintains a business directory and offers tips and links you may find useful.
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