Iowa Air Emissions Assistance Program
IAEAP provides assistance to businesses dealing with State and Federal air emission regulations.
The Iowa Air Emissions Assistance Program (IAEAP) is designed to train and educate Iowa small businesses (100 employees or less) on air emission regulations enforced by the Clean Air Act. The IAEAP, funded by the Iowa Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) Air Quality Bureau, provides free, non-regulatory assistance. The IAEAP assists Iowa small businesses through on-site visits, phone assistance, individual email assistance, listserves/e-newsletters, workshops, compliance assistance materials and web assistance tools. Information collected through assistance helps to manage Iowa’s air resources and apply pollution prevention strategies. The IAEAP works with many industries including dry cleaners, body shops, manufacturers, grain facilities and printers.Services Provided
Regulatory Compliance
- Environmental Compliance Assistance
Technical Assistance
- Energy Efficiency/Renewable Energy
- Pollution Prevention
Contact Information
Dan Nickey
Dan Nickey
8120 Jennings Dr
Cedar Falls, IA 50614
8120 Jennings Dr
Cedar Falls, IA 50614
(319) 273-6588
(319) 273-6588
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