How engaging is your marketing approach?

How engaging is your marketing approach?

How well are you heard over the noise of your competition?

Thousands of video links, news blogs, and promotional banners bombard social media sites every hour of every day.

As you’re scrolling through Facebook, you’re bombarded with viral videos, news updates, political propaganda, and endless product promotions; each one fighting for your attention.

So why do companies still advertise on Facebook and other social media platforms? The short answer, obviously it works.

Companies know their advertisement will be seen. If a promotional strategy is executed correctly, it will generate traffic to their company website.

Social media marketing is a good avenue to pursue. However, it’s important to be aware there’s tons of competition. In order to entice Facebook surfers, your marketing message needs to be creative and help your stand out among the noise of your competitors.

You might be seen, but not heard

A picture is a good way to draw attention, but without the right copy most Facebook users will scroll right past it.

The copy you choose should create a sense of urgency, give the impression everyone is doing it, or capitalize on consumer emotions.

The words you choose should leave people wanting more. Here are a few examples of engaging copy:

1. Ask a question

  • Are you aware how lack of sleep affects your body?
  • Have you heard about the recent health scare?
  • What are the best preventative measures to protecting kids from bike injuries?

2. Start a sentence, but don’t finish it

  • Once he freed himself from the car, within a matter of seconds . . .
  • At first I was hesitant to try it, but when I finally did  . . .
  • After endless debate, I finally threw my hands in the air and screamed . . .

3. Begin with a statistic, but leave out the subject

  • 60% of adults admit they have done this reckless behavior
  • 75% of young women believe their soul mate must have this quality.
  • Why 36% of marriages don’t work.

4. Offer top number of reasons

  • Top 10 reasons why consumers refuse to shop online.
  • Top 5 reasons children struggle in school.
  • Top 3 reasons teachers should get better pay.

5. Make it sound like a breaking news story

  • This recent change will revolutionize the way we drive.
  • The drug currently freaking out parents and school administrators.
  • Events over the past few weeks could lead to martial law.

6. Use the ‘HOW TO’ approach

  • How to help your child become a better reader in only 10 minutes a day
  • 5 ways to become more productive at work
  • 6 techniques police say will help kids defend themselves against a bully

7. Make it sound as if you’re relaying some recent gossip you heard

  • You won’t believe what was just announced at the White House today!
  • At first I didn’t believe it, but after trying it I’m positive you’re going to want it too.
  • Before purchasing peanut butter from your local grocery store, you need to know this.

8. Tell a story as if it was from a personal experience

  • My jaw nearly dropped when I saw what this popular retail store was promoting.
  • After walking a few miles I sat down on a bench and never guessed this would happen.
  • Last week I got the best surprise of my life!

WHY would anyone read this?

After writing your title, ask yourself WHY should someone read this? If you can come up with a good BECAUSE answer, then your ad is ready to post.

Also, ask for feedback from friends, family, and colleges.

With so much competition your ad MUST create a sense of urgency or curiosity. A specific phrase which attracts attention, generating an uncontrollable need to further explore the context of your message.

Content contributed by Matthew Cassady, IASourceLinkIASourceLink is a proud affiliate of U.S. SourceLink, America’s largest resource network for entrepreneurs.

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